Saturday, September 22, 2007

If you're reading this, you're probably wondering...

Maybe it is the sublte changing of the seasons, the inevitable shortening of the daylight hours, the knowledge that the long months of winter will soon be upon us, but I had this peculiar urge to start my own blog space. Something to do, a cure for boredom, an outlet for creative thought. A space to show off poor grammatical skills, and to check spelling endlessly, and to accidentally delete my thoughts time and time again. Why not?

What's with the anal retentive concept? Freud's popular, if not entirely accurate, psychological theories on human behavior, have become part of pop culture. Those of us who are concerned by all the tiny details of a subject believe that these must be firmly controlled to have a precise and correct outcome are labeled "anal retentive". Okay, so maybe it seems a little obsessive, a little absurd, but you have to understand...or at least laugh at it. I do. Just close the cabinet doors...every time, that's all I ask.

So welcome to a site for self-expression, creative thought and observations, and laughing at human behavior in day to day life. The ramblings of an anal retentive mind, finding an outlet aside from subjecting family and friends to listening hours and hours endlessly and wearing that glazed expression at the end. Details, details, and thought and free association (it's not my fault that they all have short attention spans).

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