Friday, February 29, 2008

On Turning Two

My daughter will be two next week. She is blissfully unaware of this significant date in her life as she leans against me sucking her thumb. She is however aware that she can climb out of her crib now, there by making nap time more amusing. She is aware that she can open the door to the pantry, and help herself to the broom and mop and trash. She knows she can throw things, tell me no in a firm, stubborn tone, and that she doesn't want help eating a messy bowl of soup. She knows how to make ladders from chairs and toys to reach things she shouldn't, to climb on bigger chairs to play with the light switch, and color on the walls with a blue crayon. She also knows how to give hugs, blow kisses, pet the dog gently, and share her food with Daddy. She helps with laundry, bringing clothes for me to hang, and throws away pieces of stuff she finds on the floor in the trash. She wakes up smiling and laughing every morning and is always happy when I come home from work. Her insatiable curiosity and exploring is nothing but charming and fascinating. I hope she remains unaware of those significant dates just a little longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a good blog