Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Further Descent into Madness

Well, well, with the holiday season upon us, one can only expect the best and horrid worst of people. Some are delighted to simply have a home, job, and food on a regular basis. They are going through life trying to not make it any harder for others. Thank you, all of you, you are the majority. Then there are the rest of you greedy little buggers...rude, selfish, and inexcusable. Please do not push rudely in front of people of any age who were waiting patiently before you. Please do not be greedy...everything at this time of year is not FREE at the retail stores. Besides do you really need an electric shaving cream warmer or some gadget that "salon" dries your nail polish instantly? Work with me here. Is it worth arguing over? When stores are out of seasonal merchandise, they are out of seasonal merchandise...there are no more shipments of holiday junk during the holiday season! It all came in during June and July when you were buying the stuff that came in during January. Do we see a pattern here? There are no magical little elves in the warehouses sending sleighs of tinsel and ribbon nightly to your local retailer. Give it a rest. Shopkeepers are there to assist you, not be your personal shopper. We don't care what you're buying for some cousin you only see once a year. Don't expect lots of personalized service at the busiest time of should have started in August if that's what you need. Just wait, take it easy, it will all come out alright. Please remember that there are several hundred other people who also did not have the foresight to make holiday photo greeting cards in advance also needing to use the self-help photo machine, who also must wait in line, and can not use a simple touch screen by themselves either. Best of the season and all that rot, and enjoy the approxamately two months of madness.

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