Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Can't Remember My Trip to Everest

The reason for this is because you killed too many brain cells while enjoying your climb to the oxygen deficient regions of the planet. This is not worth of a Discovery Channel documentary. Wow, you have found yet another way to make people even stupider. Congratulations, now go take care of that frostbite.

My better half was pointing out these little details as we were watching a commercial for an upcoming show. When someone tells you that people were not meant to be at such an altitude, it would seem reasonable to leave it alone. Not so to the once-rational and coherent climber who continues on in its quest for vanity and self-gratification.

If you're one of these odd little people who like to tempt the fates and do not care about your brain cells, let me put it as simply as I can since that is all you can now understand. No oxygen, duh. That will be why you can not remember your trip to Everest, better take a camera.

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